After 1 Events
Joao Vitor Results
Event | Finish Pos | Qual Pos | Moved | Qualifying Speed | Laps Comp | Laps Led | Points | Penalty Points | Earnings | Status
California Speedway
| 16
| 31
| 15
| 189.484 mph
| 75
| 0
| 29
| 0
| 23000
| Running
| Evergreen Speedway
| 24
| 5
| -19
| 112.918 mph
| 169
| 0
| 21
| 0
| 16000
| Running
| Daytona International Speedway
| 32
| 19
| -13
| 182.179 mph
| 9
| 0
| 13
| 0
| 10500
| Accident
| Bristol Motor Speedway
| 37
| 22
| -15
| 112.178 mph
| 102
| 0
| 8
| 0
| 8000
| DQ
| Portland International Raceway
| 25
| 25
| 0
| 69.806 mph
| 35
| 0
| 20
| 0
| 15250
| Running
| Atlanta Motor Speedway
| 34
| 32
| -2
| 179.912 mph
| 130
| 0
| 11
| 0
| 9500
| Running
| 4th From The Sun Interplanetary Speedway
| 25
| 36
| 11
| 222.092 mph
| 5
| 0
| 20
| 0
| 15250
| Header
| |
Driver Details:
Average Qual: 24
Average Finish: 28
Created with Race Points Manager (RPM)
Copyright 2002, ACS Software | Current as of: 2 October 2024 |